2023 End Of Year Show

Our 2023 end of year show is Cinderella!

We are so excited to put together this production with all of our dancers.

If your dancer is enrolled in any of our classes in Term 3 or 4 and you have not specifically opted out of the show, your dancer will be involved.

Please see below for important information and make sure to read and check email correspondence in the lead up to the show.


All dancers must be available for the full dress rehearsal on Saturday 25th November.

This will run between 2-6pm (approximately) at the Bruce Ritchie Performing Arts Centre at Massey High School.

Check emails to find out when your dancer must arrive, what they need to bring and when they should be picked up. 


We are doing two shows, 11.30am Saturday 2nd December AND 5.00pm Saturday 2nd December.

The cast for both of the shows is the exact same.

All dancers (minus Parent & Me and Baby Movers) must attend and be in both the morning and afternoon performances, it is not an option to pick one or the other. 

Dancers generally can expect to need to arrive around 40 minutes before each show begins with hair and make up complete.

All dancers must also be picked up and go home in between both of the shows.


Studio Move are responsible for ordering and organizing all costumes for the end of year show.

You will receive an invoice in Term 4 to cover the cost of your dancer’s costume.

We always aim to keep this cost as low as possible while still providing good quality outfits for our dancers to wear.

Your dancer may be hiring a costume that has to be returned or they may be purchasing their own to keep – we will make it very clear which one it is for your dancer so you know whether or not you need to return them on the day after the shows.


There are three main costs to consider when taking part in our end of year show:

  • Show fee ($20/dancer). This is a one-off payment that all students pay to take part. It covers many things including all rehearsals and a copy of our 2023 show movie to keep.
  • Costume fee (varies but approx $35-$70/dance). One class = one costume. 
  • Ticket purchase (for anyone wanting to come and watch). Parents, whanau and friends can purchase these online from November onwards. 

If cost is going to be a barrier for your dancer, please email studiomove.contact@gmail.com by September to be considered for a show scholarship. 


All parents, whanau and friends who wish to be in the audience and watching the show must purchase a ticket online via Eventbrite.
Younger siblings or little people who do not need a seat at all will not be asked to buy a ticket.

Door sales are often not available as we sell out before the show day.

We will share the links on Facebook, Instagram and email once ticket sales go live (this will be at least one month before show time). 


We will ask via email for parent helpers for some roles that include ticket sales, ushering, cafe help and backstage minding/coordinating.

Have a think about which show you would like to watch, grab tickets for that show and then let us know which one you can help at!

All dance classes need to have at least 2 parents backstage with them per show.

Our teachers and staff are allocated as side stage, backstage, front of house and tech managers. 

We promise helping is super fun and we provide all the info you need prior to the show! Thank you in advance. 


Please feel free to chat to us at any time in class about anything show-related or email us at studiomove.contact@gmail.com. We are here to help and make the end of year show process as fun, easy and exciting as we can for all dancers and parents!